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The Necessary Technology You Need For College

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What Technology Should You Consider For College?

One of the important purchases one makes when starting college is the technology you will use daily for all of your assignments and studying. I am telling you, it is super important!

Yes, there is the campus library that provides computers. But, you will not and should not spend most of your college career at the library just to use a computer. You can be using your laptop/tablet anywhere on campus. You will be comfortable and less stressed about planning your days around using the library computer.

99.99% of your college career is online. Lecture slides, homework assignments, study guides. Everything!

That is why it is important to purchase your own technology for college. It will make your life easier. Yes, not everyone can afford a laptop or tablet, but it is truly an investment. There are lots of options for everyone’s financial situation and preference. 

We will go over reasons to use a laptop instead of a tablet and vice versa as well as a list of laptops and tablets you should buy, depending on your financial situation, preference, and field of study.

Why choose a laptop?

Best for students in STEM, humanities, and business fields; that are more data-driven


  1. Microsoft Surface Laptop Go 2 ($$)
  2. HP Pavilion Plus ($$)
  3. Dell Inspiron 15 ($$)
  4. Dell XPS 13 ($$$)
  5. Apple Macbook Air/Pro ($$$)

Why choose a tablet?

Best for students in science- and health-related fields; likes to take handwritten notes


  1. Apple iPad ($$)
  2. Samsung Galaxy Tab A8 ($$)
  3. Microsoft Surface Go 2 ($$)
  4. Microsoft Surface Pro 7 ($$)
  5. Samsung Galaxy Tab S8 ($$$)
  6. Microsoft Surface Pro 9 ($$$)

Can I have the best of both worlds?

Yes! There are many 2-1 Laptops that will turn into tablets if you like taking handwritten notes in class but also need the efficiency of a laptop. I use the HP Pavilion x360 2-in-1!